Tarpon Fishing

June 5, 2012

June is prime time Boca Grande tarpon action.

The Venice snook bite is hot but Boca Grande tarpon can be challenging. We have tarpon all around Boca Grande and north thru Venice for our […]
May 31, 2012

Venice to Boca Grande tarpon outlook is great.

 Our weather has been simply crazy so this year but I’m hoping it will settle out for June fishing. Tarpon are plentiful and cooperate as we […]
May 23, 2012

Venice fishing is as hot as the weather.

Tarpon are everywhere but not feeding like normal. Don’t know what the deal is here but I expect them to turn on this week. Snook bite […]
May 13, 2012

Big snook and tarpon from Boca Grande and Venice.

Windy weather means more travel for tarpon but snook are fine. Happy Mother’s day and God bless them. Boca Grande tarpon are abundant but the winds […]